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[column type=”one-half”] [dropcap]S[/dropcap]tudents are taking more standardized tests than ever before. This means that parents and teachers have access to more test results, student data, and educational resources. Is this an opportunity or a problem? The opportunity is that standardized test scores can give parents and teachers useful information about their children and students. The problem is explaining the results to parents and teachers so that the results are understood and used to guide instruction and extra support. My testing and educational services help educate parents and students by:

  • Providing quality educational support and instructional services 24/7
  • Providing access to quality curriculum and assessment materials 24/7
  • Showing student educational/learning levels
  • Interpreting and communicating test results in an understandable and useful ways

I have a dual masters in elementary and special education and my support services are designed to provide families access to quality educational support and improve student/parent outcomes. Welcome to my 24/7 Learning Center!

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[custom_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Upcoming Live Group Classes, Trainings, and Available Courses[/custom_headline]

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[accordion_item title=”24/7 Live Class List and Schedule“]Click a selection to view and register for a live online class and course![ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE][/accordion_item][/accordion]

[accordion_item title=”See Yearly Calendar of Events“]Choose your Subject Category and click “Today” to view Calendar of live online classes.[line][ESPRESSO_CALENDAR][line][ESPRESSO_EVENTS category_slug=”level-2-1405279787″][/accordion_item]


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[dropcap]24/7[/dropcap]Learning Center courses give you the ability to learn at your own pace with live instructors and trainers. Our learning communities are comprised of students and trainees like yourself who want the freedom of online learning combined with the benefits of a traditional classroom experience. Welcome to the world of 24/7 education!!!

[column type=”one-third”] [feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h6″ icon=”bookmark-o”]24/7  Learn  English  Language  Arts  (ELA) [/feature_headline]Language arts is the vehicle of communication by which we live, work, share, and build ideas and understandings of the present, reflect on the past, and imagine the future. Through language arts, we learn to appreciate, integrate, and apply what is learned for real purposes in our homes, schools, communities, and workplaces. Welcome to 24/7 ELA! Click the button below to access these courses.[gap size=”15px”][button href=”http://247learningcenter.com/learn/247-english-language-arts-ela/ title= “Click to register for 24/7 Learn English Language Arts (ELA) Courses, includes Science, Social Studies, and History” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””] 24/7 ELA   [/button][/column]

[column type=”one-third”] [feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h6″ icon=”bullseye”]24/7  Math[/feature_headline] What is math and why is it important? Describing math is difficult because it covers so many things. Math is the study of structure, quantity, shape, and arrangement using processes, rules, and symbols. Math is about solving problems. Welcome to 24/7 Math! Click the button below to access these courses.[gap size=”53px”][button href=”http://247learningcenter.com/learn/247-math/” title=”Click to register for 24/7 Math Courses” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””] 24/7 Math Courses [/button][/column]

[column type=”one-third” last=”true”] [feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h6″ icon=”clock-o”]24/7  English  As  A  Second  Language   (ESL)[/feature_headline] Our programs integrate the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, public speaking ,and are taught in our online classrooms with live teachers and classmates. Our Graduates receive Certificates after completing each level and our Test Prep courses can fully prepare you to pass the TOEFL and IELTS tests. Welcome to 24/7 ESL! Click the button below to access these courses. [gap size=”20px”][button href=”http://247learningcenter.com/learn/247-learn-english/” title=”Click to register for 24/7 English As A Second Language (ESL) Courses” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””] 24/7 ESL Courses [/button][/column]


[column type=”one-third”] [feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h6″ icon=”briefcase”]24/7  Test  Preparation[/feature_headline] 24/7 Test preparation or exam preparation includes educational courses, tutoring services, educational materials, and learning tools designed to increase students’ performance on standardized tests. Examples of these tests include the SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT, GRE and qualifying examinations for admission to gifted education programs. Welcome to 24/7 Test Prep!  Click the button below to access these courses.[gap size=”15px”][button href=”http://247learningcenter.com/learn/247-test-prep/” title=”Register for 24/7 Test Prep Courses” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=”Click to see all 24/7 Test Prep Courses.”] 24/7 Test Preparation [/button][/column]

[column type=”one-third” ] [feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h6″ icon=”edit”]24/7  Life Skills  and  Professional  Development[/feature_headline] Life skills and professional development courses are designed to assist parents and adults in supporting their students educational, social, and professional development.  Welcome to 24/7  Life Skills and Professional Development! Click the button below to access these courses. [gap size=”75px”][button href=”http://247learningcenter.com/learn/life-skills-online-pd/” title=”Click to register for 24/7 Life Skills and Professional Development Courses” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””] 24/7 Life Skill and PD[/button][/column]

[column type=”one-third” last=”true”] [feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h6″ icon=”clipboard”] 24/7  Learning  Center  platform Training[/feature_headline] Learn how to navigate the 24/7 Learning Center Platform. Welcome to 24/7 Learning Center platform Training!  Click the button below to access these courses.  [gap size=”120px”][button href=”http://247learningcenter.com/learn/courses/247-platform-introduction-and-assessment/” title=”Register for 24/7 Platform Introduction and Training” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””] 24/7 Platform Training”[/button][/column]


[custom_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Book a private session with me[/custom_headline]

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[accordion_item title=”What is 24/7 Learning Center?”]24/7 Learning Center is a platform that provides access to highly skilled educators/trainers and instruction. We partner with educators/trainers to provide live classes/trainings, courses, one on one tutoring/sessions, and sell educational materials 24/7.

Our Mission is to provide sustainable online platforms that increase the effectiveness of education and human development by making quality instruction accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Our Educational Services include educational platforms and instructional materials designed to provide virtual education 24/7.

Our Core Beliefs are that although we live in the information age, information by itself is irrelevant. Information with direction and purpose is education and culture, which are human rights and equalizers among people.

Our Mantra we believe a great education starts with the adults and our educational platforms are designed to address educational challenges centered around performance, accountability, and access.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Do I have to register to take a class/course?”]Yes, we are a community of learners and teachers and would love to have you as member.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”How do I register for the website/course?”] You register by clicking on the registration link “here” or in the menu.  You then go to “My Services” tab located on the menu  to choose a service you want to participate in. For course registration help click “here”.[/accordion_item] [/accordion]
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[accordion_item title=”Do I need a google account to participate in a live class/training?”]Yes in order to participate in a live class or training you need to have a Google account and download a simple google plugin(If you have a Gmail account you automatically have a Google  account).  Click the buttons below to create a Google account  or to enable the 24/7 Live Virtual Classroom plugin.  [line][button href=”https://accounts.google.com/SignUp” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=”Click to register for a Google Account”] Register for a Google Account. [/button][gap size=”10px”][button href=”https://tools.google.com/dlpage/hangoutplugin/” target=”blank” shape=”pill” size=”small” icon_only=”true” info=”popover” info_place=” bottom,” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=”Click to enable the 24/7 Live Virtual Classroom”] Download Google Hangout plugin [/button][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”How can I pay for a class or course?”]You can pay for any product/service with Paypal or Credit/Debit card.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”What’s the difference between a live group class/training, a course, or private session?”]A live group class/training is facilitated by a live teacher/trainer in a virtual classroom/training center, is with a group of participants, and can lasts 20 to 60 minutes. A course is guided by a syllabus, self paced, assessments are provided, and participants receive certificates and badges upon completion. Private Sessions are live one on one interactions held in a virtual classroom/training center. [/accordion_item] [/accordion]
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[accordion_item title=”Should I join the pre-pay tuition program?”]If you are looking to use a 24/7 educator/trainer frequently you could save 30-60% on classes, courses, have access to exclusive materials, and a free private session. Discuss the option with your 24/7 Educator.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Do I have to purchase the materials?”]Some classes and courses require you to purchase materials and some do not. The materials are very important to the learning process and allow you to study and fully grasp the information.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”What browsers should I use when using this platform and why?”]You should use either Chrome or Firefox with this platform to enable all of it’s functionality. Certain functions will not work with Safari or IE.[/accordion_item][/accordion]



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woman-for-above-the-rules-site-testimonial1-300x300 [dropcap]M[/dropcap]y name is “Your Name” I have over 15 years of Teaching, Tutoring, and Training experience with a dual masters in elementary and special education.  I have developed and designed  educational programs designed to fit the needs of learning communities acrosss the the U.S..

My Teaching philosophy for students and trainees  is “Learn, Practice, Apply, Understand, and Teach”, and my education support services are designed to provide families and educators access to quality educational support and improve student/parent outcomes.

  • I guide and assist teachers in the full and ongoing implementation of all ELA and Math  initiatives and the implementation of the Common Core and College Readiness Standards.
  • I collaborate with teachers and education  administrators regarding the implementation of research based instructional strategies that are direct, explicit, and systematic with a focus Virtual classroom support and content development.
  • I review and analyze student data and outcome assessment data to diagnose obstacles and assist teachers in determining appropriate interventions and necessary program modifications via modeling, training and professional development.  I am a 24/7 Teacher/Trainer and Welcome to my 24/7 Learning Center! 



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[skill_bar heading=”My Students increased their Reading Comprehension scores by 31% within Six Months” percent=”31%” style=”background-color: #0ed6cf”]

[skill_bar heading=”My Students increased their Math scores by 22% within Six Months” percent=”22%” style=”background-color: #0ed6cf”]

[skill_bar heading=”96% of Parents rated my Educational Services 5 out of 5″ percent=”96%” style=”background-color: #0ed6cf”]



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