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Administration of Medication-2021
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Module 1: Medication Basics2 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 2: Administration of Medication2 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 3: Medication Administration Policy and Procedures3 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 4: Common Medical Conditions1 Activity|1 Assessment
Module 4a: Common Medical Conditions - Continued2 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 5: Understanding Diabetes1 Activity
Module 5a: Diabetes Management
Module 5b: Insulin Basics1 Activity|1 Assessment
Module 6: Medication Errors
Module 7 – Completion1 Assessment
Thank you for submitting your assignment for Module 4b!
Please view Module 5 below. Once Module 5 has been viewed, complete the following assignments:
Approximate time to complete Module 5 (excluding assignments): 25 minutes
- STEP 1: View the video segment on Diabetes Made Simple.
- This video segment is a supplement to Module 5 content and should assist in understanding the basic pathophysiology of diabetes.
- STEP 2: Utilizing the chart on page 79 in your training manual complete Worksheet 6 on page 77. Click the module assignment link below or in the materials section above to download and print materials.
- STEP 3: Proceed to Module 5a to upload the completed assignment. Remember, you will not be able to advance to the next module without completing worksheet 6.
- STEP 4: Mark the unit complete by clicking the button below. To ensure that you watch all of the videos in their entirety, complete the quiz, and submit the assignment, you will then be able to advance after 25 minutes have elapsed.
MODULE VIDEOS: Watch the module videos below.
- Video 1: Understanding Diabetes
- Video 2: Diabetes Made Simple