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Administration of Medication-2021
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Module 1: Medication Basics2 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 2: Administration of Medication2 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 3: Medication Administration Policy and Procedures3 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 4: Common Medical Conditions1 Activity|1 Assessment
Module 4a: Common Medical Conditions - Continued2 Activities|1 Assessment
Module 5: Understanding Diabetes1 Activity
Module 5a: Diabetes Management
Module 5b: Insulin Basics1 Activity|1 Assessment
Module 6: Medication Errors
Module 7 – Completion1 Assessment
Thank you for submitting your assignment for Module 5a!
Approximate time to complete Module 6 (excluding assignments): 3 minutes
- STEP 1: Please view Module 6 below. Proceed to Module 7 once the Module 6 video has been viewed.
- Step 2: Mark the unit complete by clicking the button below. You will be able to advance after 3 minutes have elapsed.
MODULE VIDEOS: Watch the module videos below.
Video 1: Medication Errors